A Well-Trained Dog Academy

A Well-Trained Dog Academy is proud to be a 100% family-owned & operated dog training business. We currently offer individualized board and training services. Let us put together a package designed around your special needs.

We are certified professional dog trainers that utilize a combination of the latest and most effective methods of dog training. Our mission is to provide training so that your dog can be part of your family in your home and in a variety of other environments. We train dogs to help keep them safe and teach them to be well-behaved and well-loved family dogs. 

We specialize in obedience, on and off-leash training, and reliability. Let us train your dog and give you the leadership tools so that your dog can have the maximum freedom and safety possible as a greater part of your family life.

Our Motto: A well-trained dog is a happy family dog.

David Neville

with Ty, Chaz, and Samantha

1 (559)745-5556

Does your pet need training?

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